Student Repres­ent­at­ives of Physics & Meteorology


Saxony’s Higher Educa­tion Act stipu­lates that students may parti­cip­ate democrat­ic­ally in the organ­isa­tion­al processes of their univer­sity. In concrete terms, this means that members of FaRaPhy parti­cip­ate and vote in univer­sity and faculty committees.

Faculty Council

The faculty council is the admin­is­tra­tion commit­tee of our faculty. It appoints the StuKo and the examin­a­tion board.There the deans and senat­ors report on their work in their commit­tees. There is also a disus­sion about the actual processes in the faculty and academ­ic affairs. The faculty council has three student members which are directly elected into the commit­tee for a term of one year. 

Examin­a­tion Board (PA)

The examin­a­tion board is one of the univer­sity policy commit­tees in which two students nomin­ated by FaRaPhy can parti­cip­ate. The main task of the PA is to respond to applic­a­tions from us students and to act in accord­ance with the examin­a­tion and study regula­tions. The meetings usually take place every four weeks. In these, the second repeat examin­a­tions and completed intern­ships are usually voted on, as well as applic­a­tions to credit academ­ic achieve­ments, for example during a semester abroad.

Student Council (StuRa)

The StuRa is your repres­ent­a­tion at univer­sity level. As a rule, plenary sessions are held every two weeks and deal with univer­sity policy topics and/or areas of student life. The StuRa is non-partis­an and independ­ent. It repres­ents the interests of the students of the Univer­sity of Leipzig. It grants finan­cial support to AG's and student initi­at­ives and repres­ents a platform for the exchange of opinions. They also have direct offers for students such as social counselling and legal advice.

Quality Assur­ance Commis­sion (QSK)

The QSK is a faculty-wide commit­tee subor­din­ate to the faculty council. It deals primar­ily with the quality of teach­ing at our faculty. One of its main tasks is the estab­lish­ment of an evalu­ation proced­ure. For us, the QSK is partic­u­larly inter­est­ing for one reason: it is equally staffed with students and lecturers/employees. This enables the student repres­ent­at­ives to meet the profess­ors at eye level.

Study Commis­sions (Physics & IPSP, Meteor­o­logy, Physics Teaching)

The study commis­sions are made up of equal numbers of students and teach­ers. This ensures that the interests of students and teach­ers are equally taken into account. Topics such as the gener­al struc­ture and course of studies as well as module contents etc. are dealt with, so the StuKos are very import­ant from the student's point of view due to their influence.

PhD Repres­ent­a­tion

The PhD Repres­ent­a­tion is a self-repres­ent­at­ive body of a member group of the Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences of the Univer­sity of Leipzig. It serves to network, organ­ise and advise all doctor­al students of the Faculty and the associ­ated insti­tutes. An elected member of the repres­ent­a­tion takes part in the meetings of the Faculty Council in an advis­ory capacity. One member is also repres­en­ted in the commit­tee for the revision of the doctor­al regulations.